Tamako Market (Yamada, 2013) is an often-neglected show within the catalog of animation studio, Kyoto Animation, and director, Naoko Yamada’s, oeuvre. Watching the show, it is easy to ascertain that it is about love, be that in a romantic setting, a familial one, or as a general attitude towards life, but overlooked is the source of this love. Where does it come from? And what is the impetus behind it?
Nighthawks' Lightbox
Over the Shoulder
By the mid-1980s, the American electorate had developed a distinct distaste for warfare. The last forty years of so-called “Pax Americana” had not been kind to those that enlisted, with each decade seeming to bring a new catastrophic war with it. The result? Nearly four hundred thousand dead since the beginning of 1942.